Do wicked people prosper in this life or receive what they deserve?
Is faith in Jesus "a leap in the dark"? Are Christians burying their heads in the sand? Jesus' 5th sign shows us that trusting Jesus is a rational and right…
When going through hard times, we might ask "how long, O Lord?" David does just that, and helps us to move from despair to hope.
Jesus says we're all serving somebody and some thing. But will it be the Lord, and what is the distinguishing characteristic of followers of Jesus?
There's a huge contrast between human words and God's words. How can we be right with God when our speech is full of lies, and our hearts corrupt? Thankfully God's…
Jesus is the light of the world, sent by God to cast out the works of darkness. But since humanity loves darkness and not light, the Judge in his mercy…
When we're surrounded by opposition, it's easy for the church to retreat. But that's not our calling. Instead, we're to find refuge in Jesus, the true righteous judge who knows…
Jesus calls us to make the right judgement about who he is and why he came. He also gives the Holy Spirit to all who believe in him, the Spirit…
Jesus really did feed 5,000 people with just 5 loaves and 2 fish. What does this miracle tell us about who Jesus really is?
Paul prays for the church because they're partners in the gospel and partakers of grace.