
A new commandment

Jesus talks about election and his control over evil, even the work of Satan in Judas betraying Jesus. Jesus also commands his followers to love one another with a gospel-centred…
Abuse of power is all around us. But Jesus uses his power differently, to serve others by washing their feet. This washing anticipates the cleansing from sin through his sacrifice…

Blind faith?

Is faith in Jesus "a leap in the dark"? Are Christians burying their heads in the sand? Jesus' 5th sign shows us that trusting Jesus is a rational and right…

Serve somebody

Jesus says we're all serving somebody and some thing. But will it be the Lord, and what is the distinguishing characteristic of followers of Jesus?

Light & dark

Jesus is the light of the world, sent by God to cast out the works of darkness. But since humanity loves darkness and not light, the Judge in his mercy…

Right judgement

Jesus calls us to make the right judgement about who he is and why he came. He also gives the Holy Spirit to all who believe in him, the Spirit…