The holy God is in a class of his own, majestic and glorious. He calls his people to be holy, and holiness is required to enter his presence. So how…
Jethro visits Moses and marvels at what God has done to his people. Jethro also instructs Moses to delegate his leadership. This chapter has practical application both to the witness…
We are in a spiritual battle and we are to depend on God in prayer and look to Christ who has won the battle against Satan.
Jesus has come! How does the gospel of Jesus fit into the Bible story? Jesus fulfills all the righteous requirements and is cut off for sinners. Baptism & the Lord's…
The people grumble and put God to the test, but Christ is struck for his people prefiguring his passion. Christ is also the true Israelite who trusts God in his…
How do animal sacrifices and the Sabbath point us to Jesus? In this sermon we explore how the covenant with Moses at Sinai furthers the Bible story, links back to…
Continuing our Bible overview series, God makes a covenant with Noah to preserve the world until the final judgement, giving everyone chance for salvation in Christ. Even the flood narrative…
Audio from talk 3 at the church weekend away. What does maturity look like, and what is the work of an elder in the growth of a local church?
God's people are to remember their redemption. Jesus Christ calls his people to remember his death on the cross and live their lives in faith and hope.
Job complains before God, but he is confident in his righteousness. Is that something we can be before God? Where can we find true righteousness?