In this Messianic Psalm David prays for Jesus. David prays for the coming Messiah, asking God to protect the anointed one and bring him victory. How should we live in…
David's experience is that he's slipping into the pit, with his enemies crushing him. But even in the hardest of times he has confidence in God's unfailing, covenant-keeping love.
When going through hard times, we might ask "how long, O Lord?" David does just that, and helps us to move from despair to hope.
There's a huge contrast between human words and God's words. How can we be right with God when our speech is full of lies, and our hearts corrupt? Thankfully God's…
When we're surrounded by opposition, it's easy for the church to retreat. But that's not our calling. Instead, we're to find refuge in Jesus, the true righteous judge who knows…
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