We have groups for all ages to learn about and worship God at their level
This group is for children who are aged 0-2 years old and we meet during the Sunday morning service. The children have a snack and bible story time together and can also enjoy free play with a large selection of toys, books and a tidy-up song at the end of the session. We hope to get as many parents back into the service as possible but if they need to or wish to stay, there are comfy sofas for them. Our aim for this group is to help the children feel safe and comfortable in church and to encourage them to learn about Jesus in a way that is appropriate for their age.

For children aged 3 years old to year 2 in primary school. We meet during the Sunday morning service. We sing songs, hear a story from the Bible, learn a Bible verse and do a craft.
For children aged year 3 to year 6 in primary school. We meet during the Sunday morning service. We play games, hear Bible stories, learn memory verses and have quizzes.

For children aged year 7 to year 9 in secondary school. We meet during the Sunday morning service. We have hot chocolate and a Bible study.